We had a hole in the roof that went unnoticed during light rain, but became obvious during those torrential spring downpours we had in the city. No one knew how the hole got there. It had a jagged edge and looked like something hit it at high velocity.
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May 16th, 2015 in General
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I've been working a new job doing some commercial roof repair in Bergen County NJ for a few weeks now and I've come to realize that construction is a lot harder than I had thought it would turn out to be. I haven't been stable, employment wise, for a while now. From job to job I've bounced hoping to find something that I might enjoy while earning enough to make end's meet. Having not finished college I've noticed that it's becoming more and more difficult for me to find a job which is no doubt related to the fact that I'm growing older.
I always knew that something like this day would come. Growing up I hated school. Absolutely loathed it. I can't even pinpoint exactly what it was that lead me to dislike school so much even though I enjoyed learning. I loved reading. I loved the Discovery Channel back when it was actually a channel that was devoted to science, history and nature. Learning was a big part of my life but for some reason the idea of going to school was a huge hassle. I disliked being told what to do and the very notion of homework was repulsive.
I should have gone to college. I still could, I suppose, but is the time and financial investment going to be worth it? Will I be able to stand on my own two feet? I have a feeling that should I go to school I might end up spending more time than I necessary trying to attain a degree that may not help me. Then again, I could get a degree that would be able to help me financially but then I would also be in debt due to the loans that I would be forced to take out to afford school.
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February 10th, 2015 in General
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I have often dreamed of having my own home for many reasons, but it's also a lot of work to keep a house up on your own as well. I have been renting homes for awhile, but often, the home's owner is hard to reach or doesn't keep their promises. A girlfriend
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January 25th, 2015 in General
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When I finished school I had no choice but to move back in with my parents. I didn't have a job and I didn't have any money saved up so it was the only option I thought I had at the time. After a few years of living back at home, I realized it was
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January 23rd, 2015 in General
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Even though I have always taken good care of my teeth, I needed to see a specialist about having extensive dental work done. All the care in the world couldn't have prevented it from happening. I was at the ball field with some friends when a ball hit
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December 13th, 2014 in General
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Wondering if this place is worth the money, although it is pretty obvious that it is a bargain on some levels. The place is a bit run down and a friend of mine was telling me about it. He is a specialist who does boiler repair and boiler installation
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December 12th, 2014 in General
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With my work in airport transportation in Bergen County NJ, I have been able to save more money than I have with any other job that I've had in the same field. I take pride knowing that I am one of the few employees of this company who can be considered
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November 20th, 2014 in General
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