Interactive Touch Screen Technology

A touch screen or finger touch screen is the integration of both an input device and output unit into a single unit. The touch screen is usually layered above an internal electronic image of a data processing system. The display is either an LCD or LED screen while the unit is typically a tablet, laptop, or smartphone. Touchscreens have many advantages over resistive or capacitive touch screen displays including higher reliability and resistance to scratching, dirt, grease, and water damage.
One advantage is that it allows for the easy operation of touch screen units which can function more quickly and accurately than a touch pad or a finger pad. On the contrary, a resistive touch screen operates under more stringent pressure and can be used for a longer period of time before the unit becomes uncomfortable. Capacitive touch screens are sensitive to pressure and a soft touch gives way to a hard touch, which makes them inconvenient to use in applications such as video games and CAD applications. Both types of touch screen require an electrical charge to operate and rely on an electrical signal sent by the computer system to register the event. Touch screen monitors have an integrated circuit built in that interprets the electrical signal to translate the events as touch and display the result.
The two technologies differ in the extent of image clarity they can provide. Touch screen technology has a much higher level of image clarity than capacitive technology because the liquid crystal displays (LICDs) use an active layer of mercury vapors which reflect the light and transmit it in the form of an image when the finger comes in contact with the surface. When the finger leaves the area, the liquid crystal display deactivates the electric current and the image clarity is restored.
Capacitive touch screen technologies use a different method to achieve the same results. In the capacitive method, the electromagnetic field that passes through the substrate has a variable pattern that depends on the position of the finger on the surface and the frequency of interaction. As the finger moves on the surface, the electrical current transmitted from the device varies according to the motion and frequency of interaction. This means that the device can only recognize a limited number of patterns. While this reduces the number of errors associated with touch screen data input, it also makes the device susceptible to human error.
On the other hand, the most recent touch screens technologies combine the best features of the resistive and capacitive touch screen technologies to deliver better user experience. They use the latest micro technologies combined with ultra-fast integration into mobile devices. These devices enable direct input devices that are convenient for a wide range of uses. Some examples include digital pens, stylus, smartphones and interactive digital signage. capacitive input devices can be used for inputting data from a variety of input devices such as digital cameras, optical mice, keyboards and touch screen membranes.
Another breakthrough in touch screen technology is acoustic wave technology. It enables the use of ultrasound or sound waves for high resolution, low latency and high speed operation. Acoustic wave technology is especially useful for high speed data entry which may require the need for rapid interaction with virtual items. For instance, game consoles, handheld devices and other electronic appliances use acoustic wave technology for fast action user input.
With the introduction of the fingertip and pen, touch screen systems have taken another giant leap forward. The fingertip and pen can be used for basic tasks such as writing, pointing, scanning and drawing and they can also be used for interactive tasks such as capturing and editing pictures and moving objects on a computer display. A stylus is a small hand-held device with a flat surface and a pointing device. It enables the user to interact with a virtual object by providing pressure control. Most styluses are accompanied with a small keyboard that allows users to select applications and control their device. This keyboard allows for multi-touch interaction.
The technologies used in today’s touch screen display screens have enabled consumers to interact with their devices in new ways that were never imagined just a decade ago. The introduction of the touch screen display screen has changed the way that consumers interact with their mobile phones and other consumer electronics. These changes are the result of advances in the science of touch screen displays and finger scanning. Touch screen display technology is still evolving so the final product will continue to improve until it becomes commonplace in consumer electronics.